Quality Point

Customized Digital Workspace Built On Office 365

Improving Employee Productivity And Collaboration

Titan Lights Up Dormant Use Of Office365

Improving Office365 Adoption

  • Companies can quickly roll out collaborative features of Office365 without any training or customization.
  • Titan is an Integrated App that delivers the seamless experience of SharePoint within Microsoft Teams.

Productivity Tools For Your Workforce

Q & A
  • Document Management System

    Titan leverages document management capabilities of SharePoint and brings an integrated view of your document repositories within Teams.

    • Unified document repositories
    • Easy document sharing
    • Versioning, Properties
    • Document control and security
    • Quick to rollout

  • Project Management System

    Titan project management gives an integrated view of any joint initiative involving project team, documents and project tasks within Microsoft Teams.

    • Manage group initiatives
    • Define project teams with roles
    • Integrated project tasks
    • Project documents
    • Project status and tracking
    • Helps every business user

  • Central Knowledge Base

    Frequently needed information that is accessible 24x7 from anywhere.

    • Department wise content
    • Topics and categories
    • Multiple authors
    • Content approval

  • Tasks

    This is a hub to create tasks, assign tasks to different users and to track their progress through dashboard. Titan task manager is a great tool for personal and teamwork planning.

    • Group or Individual tasks
    • Project or General tasks
    • Task history & Chat
    • Track task dependencies
    • Intuitive Dashboard
    • Task notifications
    • Timesheet against tasks

  • Timesheet & Attendance

    Recording and tracking of time spent on tasks, projects, or clients.

    • Daily, Weekly or Monthly log of time spent
    • Work details & time spent
    • Approval of timesheet by manager
    • Client billability report
    • Employee attendance

  • Best way to seek clarity on any topic

    Question Answer module in Titan helps you to Ask Questions and get Answers from experts within your company.

    • Targeted audience for seeking answers
    • Multiple replies against every question
    • Maintain history for future reference
    • On the job queries resolved quickly
    • Helps in better productivity

  • Information

    See what’s happening in and around you in your organization. Be it News, alert or Announcements, get all the buzz in a click. Titan bring all this within Teams.

    • Articles
    • Announcements
    • Emergency Alerts
    • Blogs
    • Content approval

  • Social Connect

    A more engaged employee will be more productive. A socially connected workplace will also help encourage teamwork and positive communication among colleagues.

    • Recognition
    • Celebrations
    • Experiences
    • Welcome
    • Corporate Social feeds
    • Birthdays & Anniversaries
    • Media gallery

  • Company

    Titan picks up important employee data and presents organizational hierarchy.

    • Organization chart – Company
    • Organization chart – Department
    • Organization chart – Location
    • Employee directory
    • Office location directory
    • Multi Company Intranet access

  • Survey

    Instantly gather opinion and publish the survey results on your Microsoft Teams Intranet.

    • Multiple questions
    • Easy to create and publish
    • Easy to participate
    • Target audience
    • Time bound survey
    • Instant Poll outcome

  • Themes

    Implement your own corporate branding.

    • Change themes
    • Colour, Branding, Background
    • Your own Logo
    • Save your favorite theme

  • Quick Links

    Quick access to frequently used applications.

    • Add quick links on Workplace
    • Add Quick links on Homepage
    • Easy to add from Admin panel

Demo On Demand

TITAN is a fantastic tool to maximize your company's productivity.

Allow us to demonstrate power of TITAN as per your convenient time no matter which time zone are you in.

About Titan

No Code




Multi Company


Titan Intranet A Key Player In Social Intranet Software.

- “QY Research”


TITAN is the only Readymade Intranet offered as subscription for both Office365 and SharePoint On-Premise.



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